Purple Punch Recipe from the 1900s Your Kids Will Enjoy Today

Reducing the amount of soda kids drink is a goal many parents are trying to achieve.  This recipe for Purple Punch, which is from the 1900s, is something your kids can make and they will really enjoy. Plus, it uses tea you are already drinking.

Caution, this is the original recipe and it does use a lot of sugar. When we made this for some local kids, we cut the sugar in half and they still really liked it.  Plus, the quantities below make a lot of Purple Punch so just use less if you don’t want as much.

• 1 cup grated of pineapple
• 1 quart of water
• 2 cups of sugar
• ½ cup prepared tea
• juice of 3 oranges
• juice of 3 lemons
• 2 ½ quarts of water
• 1 cup of grape juice

Cook 1 cup of grated pineapple with ½ quart of water for 15 minutes and then strain through cheesecloth. To this, add ½ quart of water and 2 cups of sugar which have been boiled 10 minutes. Also, add ½ cup of prepared tea, juice of 3 lemons, juice of 3 oranges and 1 cup of grape juice as well as 2 ½ quarts water. Serve chilled.

This recipe is one of 50 you can get in the new tea ebook “Your Great Grandmother Made Better Tea: 50 Ice Tea, Tea Punch, Tea Dessert Recipes from 1890 to 1920,″ compliments of teadog.com. You can get the ebook in PDF, Kindle or ePub (for Nook and other readers) format.

Discover tea recipes that have been lost over time with a compilation of 50 tea recipes from 1890 to 1920.  Make interesting drinks, punch and desserts.