Most US tea drinkers who know Brodies Tea know it comes in the distinctive drums. But what do tea drinkers who have tried Brodies Edinburgh Tatto Tea really think of it? Based on a sampling of comments from, it seems as if tea drinkers are fond of this variety.
Delightful Afternoon Tea
A slightly more tannic “leaner” tasting tea than their Famous Edinburgh. We find it better for afternoon. A bit lighter taste, might be a good accompaniment to a rich meal or dessert.
A Fine Scottish Tea
This is a great tasting tea, perfect for afternoon and evening.
rich tasting, no bitter aftertaste
I don’t start my day until I have finished my morning tea. I love a hot, steaming fragrant cup and then am ready to get busy. I ordered extra for gifts this Christmas and it was very appreciated. Non tea-drinkers got a plate of cookies. I’m not wasting excellent tea on someone who won’t appreciate it!